Yeah, me too. ?

Not yet. I want to be financially stable as a freelancer before I start this journey. But we're already talking about it.

Can't wait for this to happen to me too. ?

What's wrong with Mozilla? I don't use Firefox either, just wondering.


Yeah, it's pretty tough at the moment. Speaking of tough, how's life with the baby? ?

Twitter gets worse every day. Might be time to get rid of it for a while again.

But first I'm gonna take a day off from this hell. Time to get the apartment cleaned up and do some fun coding. ?

I'm starting to think that I should quit the client project. After three weeks of constantly working on it the code is still shit. I've got the feeling that when I fix one line of code ten new ones break. It took me long enough to realize that my time is too precious to continue with that.

@kdfrawg Hi there. Hope you're doing well.