Thinking about setting up my iPhone as a new phone once iOS 10 goes public. There's definitely a bunch of garbage from always just updating.

@kdfrawg I really hope so.

@kdfrawg Any tips from the more experienced how or where to start?


@kdfrawg Hello there. How are you doing?

Trying out footnotes1

  1. Hope this works.

No worries, those are things I've been thinking about for the last couple of years. It's only that my time is running out, and if I don't change anything soon I won't be when we eventually have a children.
But it's good to have a community where I can talk to people again. Makes my day a little better. Thanks . ??

I'm dreaming about going indie for a long time now. I'm working in teams for 16 years now, but I would love to do some things on and for my own. I think the best way to learn this stuff is to just dive in and challenge yourself every day. But the biggest concern is money again. I'm turning around the same problem for at least 5 years now. Kinda gets harder to turn my head to the right direction.


In my heart I feel the same way. And my uncle once told me that if you wake up and feel miserable about going to your job you need to change something. I think I will only find out when I finally make the step.


I'm 32 now, so it's not too late to do the step of staring over. In my opinion now is the perfect time for it, for when I don't do it now I won't do it anytime. I wouldn't even need to move that far away and I definitely don't need to earn millions of $ to feel successful. I just want to do what I love, and be happy with my wife and future kid(s). I just don't know if my coding skills are good enough to jump on that train.


Yeah, but I think this is the typical way of think in the US. ? Here in Europe we mostly think about safety and try to stick to our jobs as long as we can, even though we hate ourselves while doing that.
