It sure is. ?
Hope you’re having a great day too.

Good morning.

Sounds like an awesome plan.

Yeah, that's the biggest problem. We all have one solution or another to make the world a better place, but our elected politicians always find another, more complicated way to handle things. ?

Well, as harsh as this might sound, but if you don’t have any documentation on you you can’t travel either. I don’t know how to handle all this shit that’s going on in the world, but I absolutely don’t agree to what Merkel and all of Europe are doing. And if you ask me, we don’t need a united Europe at all.

She is pro-immigration, which isn't the worst thing. But she let everyone in without ever thinking about checking backgrounds, which made it so easy for terrorists and the like to spread all over Europe. Don't get me wrong, we have to help those people from war-torn countries. But you can't just let everyone in. Again, this is just my opinion, but I know a lot of people who think the same way.

I don't know a lot about politics, like I already said usually I don't care as long as they leave me alone. But living in Europe is getting harder every day, and I think it's because Merkel is the worst politician you can vote as head of state. A couple of months ago her own party was against her, because of the way she handles immigration. No wonder people start to look for alternatives.

Well, in my opinion nothing's great about her. There's not a thing she did for the small people. Since she got elected the first time everything got more expensive, taxes were raised and I don't see the end of that now that she's reelected.

Pretty good thanks. How are you?

Yeah, that's the biggest problem. I usually don't give a rats ass about politics, but I can't believe that she got reelected.