Good morning. ?
@jws And with the new Xcode build times have improved a lot. At least in my experience.
@jws Meh. I forgot so much about Obj-C that at first I was a little afraid to take the job. But the guy is cool with me taking a little longer to refresh my knowledge. Gonna stackoverflow a lot I guess. ?
@lukasros I've spoken to a few. A lot of them prefer the lowest price. Like the client I've been working with before. He had an app written by a company in India. The code was brutally messy. After rewriting the damn thing for way too few money, they want me to ask the same as those Indian guys did, or they'll give them the job again.
There are of course a lot of people out there looking for a single freelancer, but as I see it there are at least just as much who just don't want to pay "too much".
@matigo O-Desk is no more. It's all Upwork and those shitty job offerings came with it. The best one I've read was: Looking for a full stack/iOS/Android developer to build an Uber clone. 1 month and $50.
/@JeremyCherfas @lukasros
@lukasros Don't get me wrong. From all the options out there, Upwork is in my opinion the best choice we have. But there are so many things they're doing wrong. As an example take the criteria clients can set: You need a job score of at least 90%, must have worked on Upwork for at least 100 hours, but you shouldn't take more money than a beginner. And all those "Build me an app" job postings with no description whatsoever. Plus, the competition which, as I see it, can also be any company, not only freelancers. How should I beat a company in time and price for the same amount of work?
@matigo Finally. It will involve dealing with Objective-C and cleaning up other people's mess, but I'm thankful I finally found someone who trusts in me.
@matigo Seems like I need to dig a lot deeper into this kind of stuff. Especially regarding data safety and exporting. ?