I'm thinking about redesigning my website. I found a much nicer template on SquareSpace. It would mean a lot of work again, but I think it might pay off in the end.
@matigo I'm not sure yet. ? Still thinking about what to do with my website, started an HTML and CSS course on Team Treehouse. Lot of things going on in my mind. Are you having a good one?
Does anyone know anything about SnapPages [snappages.com]? There's a nice offer on Cult Of Mac. https://deals.cultofmac.com/sales/snappages-basic-plan-lifetime-subscription?utmsource=cultofmac&utmmedium=social-twitter&utmcampaign=snappages-basic-plan-lifetime-subscription050717&utm_term=scsf-230351
@hazardwarning Thanks a lot for your time. It is highly appreciated. ?
// @matigo