Good morning. How are you?

You will never hear me complaining about the heat. ?

Hey there. Happy birthday. ???
Not as much as I’d like, but yes. Finally it’s getting better. ?

Good morning everyone.

Yeah, I know. But I’ll need to check with the client first if I can add some TestFlight users. Also, there’s no real code in it, the video just shows a real rough implementation of the UI, so before anything real is implemented (which might take a while) there’s nothing much to test. But thanks again. ?

Awesome, thanks. Will let them know and come back to you should there be an opportunity. ?

Exactly. That’s why I took the job in the first place. This is the first project that I really believe in since I started freelancing.

Thanks a lot. ??????
This app will be really awesome. Not that I’m biased. ?

Hey there. ??
Step 1 is done, now we need to wait how that campaign goes to really start coding. So, I’ve got a few days off and will spend those days with my couch and Elite Dangerous. ?
How are you doing?

If you’d like to see what I’ve been working on for the last couple of weeks and help to make this app reality head over to: