I’m kind of waiting until all this Server-Side-Swift stuff is stable. Then I hope to be able to build some things in the language I know, instead of learning new stuff. I tried learning HTML/CSS, but can’t find the time to continue with it. I’d need a new Mac for my server though. Then I can also host my own push notification server. One day maybe.


Haha, German Democratic People’s Republic. That’s a good one.


I dream of having my own server, where I will have all my stuff on. I will always have a blog here, but I would like to tinker around with my own setup one day.


And I can’t afford to pay at the moment. ?


Yeah, but what bugs me is that for the same amount of money Manton wants, I can get social, blogging and a lot more here. Not that micro.blog is bad in particular, but things don’t really add up for me.


Same goes for me. I had an account, waited for the book and then forgot about it. It could be much more than it is now, and from my perspective it will never be as good as 10C. Just my opinion. ?

Steve Jobs should have gone thermonuclear against Google when he still had the chance.

Alrighty. Here goes half a day of work down the toilet. Yay

I only managed to watch 3 minutes of the campaign video. It’s just too painful. ?

Exactly my point. It could have been much more. But in the end it’s over-hyped and pretty much worthless. 10C, in my opinion, has much more potential.
